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Cities, communities, and organizations can only achieve change at scale when they understand how to align their climate and business agendas. Let’s walk together towards this goal.

As a climate transformation, I work as a sparring partner to urban planners, policy-makers, future and experienced environmental engineers. I join forces with you to accelerate the transition of your organization to a position of climate leadership.

As a speaker I put my years’ long experience as an engineer, a climate strategist, and an analytical climate transformation leader at the disposal of committed decision-makers.

I am passionate about sharing my work across four continents, on Climate Transformative solutions for Liveable Cities and Communities
My experience and advice are for the audiences would like to obtain the ability to relate metrics to existing and expected climate impacts, to discern the effectiveness of adaptive measures, and to conceive realistic implementation steps are key to deliver resilient urban planning.

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Built Environmental Professionals
Youth and Students
Climate Entrepreneurs
I am a Subject Matter Expert on
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Decarbonization Image
Decarbonization: There’s more to it than we think
Understanding the two aspects of decarbonization and the consequences:
1. Reducing the greenhouse gas emissions produced by the combustion of fossil fuels. However, energy efficiency will inevitably increase electrification
2. As a consequence, decarbonization will also need the absorption of carbon from the atmosphere and its storage in agricultural lands and forests
Climate Smart Cities Image
Climate Smart Cities: An actionable guidance
Technology empowers cities to quickly respond to changes in their local urban environments. Real-time data and data-driven insights help authorities improve urban planning and deploy intelligent city services, cut carbon emissions, improve local air quality, boost economic growth thanks to a better infrastructure and technological innovation
Climate AI Analytics Image
Climate AI Analytics & Digitization: Complexity easily explained
Sustainability will capitalize on digitalization with IoT as essential tool for sustainable food production and environmental health. AI-driven analytical insights will optimize energy production and water treatment, will provide equity access to services, will increase wellbeing, and support activities to increase resilience for humans, animals and plants during the climate transformation
Whole Life Carbon Management Image
Whole Life Carbon Management: Demystifying Carbon Management
Organizations should get transparency on their emissions. However, too many companies and city Officials, are still trying to determine their direct and indirect carbon footprint. A standardized approach and smart calculation tools to measure and manage corporate and city level GHG emissions can provide a viable guidance for small to medium businesses.
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#climatechange #farahnaz #sustainability #wellbeing #AIanalytics #smartcities #livablecities #urbandevelopment #decarbonization #net-zero #carbonemission #climatetransformation #greenpolicies #resiliance #energyefficiency #ICP

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